Avenue Collection By Doug Tarry Homes

Manor Road St. Thomas, ON

530K - 630K

About Avenue Collection

18 units

3 Bedrooms

1290 - 1582 Sq Ft


The Avenue Collection consists of 18 semi-detached homes located in the latest addition to Manor Road, just south of Wellington Street. Nestled among well established communities, the Avenue Collection is only 100 m away from restaurants, shops, health and medical services, a grocery store, gym, and cinema. Located near the eastern edge of St. Thomas, travel to the 401, London, Aylmer, and Port Stanley is quick and easy! Optimist Park is a 10-minute walk away, allowing access to playground equipment, a Free Little Library, low-impact fitness equipment, and a 750 m fitness trail around the perimeter. This unique community will include ENERGY STARĀ® and Net Zero Ready homes as the Doug Tarry Homes standard.

Floor plan pricing for the Avenue Collection includes lot price.

Source: Doug Tarry Homes

Avenue Collection is a new development by Doug Tarry Homes currently under construction at . Avenue Collection has a total of 18 units. Avenue Collectionhas price range from 530K - 630K. Sizes range from 1290 to 1582 square feet.
Avenue Collection Details




Ā Doug Tarry Homes


Ā St. Thomas

Building Type:


Construction Status:

Ā construction

Selling Status:




To Be Determined
Pricing & Deposit Structure
530K - 630K
Parking Price:
Parking Price not available yet
Storage Charges:
$401 per SqFt
Deposit Structure

Deposit Structure will be available soon

To Be Determined
Floor Plans & Pricing
Floor plans for Avenue Collection are coming soon

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